Students of B.Com (Accounting and Finance) organized departmental Activity “Financial Planetarium – a step towards financial awareness” on March 26, 2018 in Room No. 105 & 106 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The aim of this activity had been to create awareness about various financial aspects related to an individual’s life so that informed financial decisions can be taken. Students performed inaugural play “Aao Sikhaye Finance ka Funda” followed by the ribbon cutting from Vice Principal of college C.A. Dr. Jayant Apte.
Around 130 Students from FY/SY/TY BCAF divided into 18 groups participated in this activity. Students displayed creative models to explain the concepts of Household Budgeting, Highlights of Financial Budget, Mutual Funds, Equity and Debt, F.D’s, PPF, Digital Investing, Secured Online Transactions, DEMAT A/ c, GST, Income Tax etc.
Games like Kaun Banega Financepati, Guess the Logo and Guess the Tagline were also organized. Visitors also took selfies on the Photobooth with attractive props like Financegram, Mudra etc. Moreover, lucky footsteps were awarded a small gift.
The event was judged by Dr. Lipi Mukherjee and Dr. Aswat Desai with their complete time and energy. The enthusiasm and hard work of the students and teachers made this activity a great success and it managed to made visitors aware about basic finance fundas.