Women Development Cell organized a talk on ‘Impact of Social Media on Healthy Relationships‘ by Dr.Dharav Shah (M.D. Consultant Psychiatrist) on 6th October, 2018 in Durgadevi Saraf Auditorium from 9.30 am to 10.30 am.
The aim of the talk was to spread awareness on the ill effects of social media, like Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube etc on the minds of the young generation. The speaker stressed that youth should have self-perception about themselves and not depend on the social media to give them a positive response. He also said that they should not get carried away by peer pressure and get into alcoholism during parties as it can lead to accidents and addictions. He also said pornography is one of the causes of rising brutal rape causes in the society.
Social media can be accessed for getting helpful information in various fields, but one has to be cautious about its blind acceptance without personal judgement.
This talk was successfully concluded by receptive audience of students from First Year (B.Com and Self – Finance) courses and teaching staff.