The CISCE syllabus provides for a balanced education, testing, understanding and application of concepts.
The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination will ensure a general education and all candidates are required to enter and sit for seven subjects and Socially Useful Productive Work. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination is a school examination and the standard of examination presupposes a school course of Ten years duration (Class I-X). The school year begins in June and terminates in April.
We offer the following subjects:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Hindi
- History-Civics
- Geography
- Mathematics
- Commercial Studies
- Science
- Economics
- Physical Education
- Art
- Computer Applications
RBHS offers a broad and balanced curriculum designed to match the educational needs of the children within the requirements of the ICSE Board. Our academic programmes are technologically balanced, well researched with the objective to equip the students with knowledge, skills and values which will enable them to take their school leaving examinations with responsibility and effectiveness, gain life skills for their personal and professional development and grow into young adults who are socially aware of their responsibilities.
RBHS functions along the lines of an ever-evolving educational system that focuses on Holistic moulding of students. Excursions, visits to places of interests, exhibitions, plays, and films on classics are also conducted.
Students are evaluated on 2 Term Examinations and 2 Mid Term Examinations. They are required to submit projects and assignments.