To encourage the meritorious students, LRMC has introduced IRB Scholarship Endowment Fund. The IRB Scholarship is a merit-based award that recognizes high academic achievement within the institute. IRB Scholarship Endowment Fund is sponsored by Infrastructure Developers Ltd. which provides scholarships to meritorious students of all the institutions of Rajasthani Sammelan. This initiative aims to encourage brilliant students to achieve further excellence in education. By these scholarship, meritorious students will be further motivated to work hard and give their best performance in academics. The scholars are selected by a panel of faculty from LRMC and forwarded to the trustees of the Rajasthani Sammelan for final decision.
Following students received IRB Scholarships in 2015-16
Ms. Bhumi Panchal FYBCom B
Ms. Rukhsar Khatri SYBCom A