Admission Procedure to Junior College
A Student is eligible for admission to the First Year of Junior College (XI) in Commerce, Arts and Science if, she / he has passed S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. / C.B.S.E. or any other equivalent examination from a recognized board / authority which is considered eligible by the Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education.
A student is eligible for admission to the Second Year of Junior College (XII) in Commerce, Arts and Science if, she / he has passed F.Y.J.C. (XI) Examination or its equivalent from a School / College / Institution which is recognized by the Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education.
Leaving certificate (L.C.)
Every student taking admission in Junior College (XI, XII) is required to submit her / his original School Leaving Certificate. This L.C. will be retained by the College permanently. In case a student wishes to leave the college, she / he will be issued an L.C. from the college.
Eligibility Certificate
Students seeking admissions to F.Y.J.C., S.Y.J.C. from outside Maharashtra State will have to submit Eligibility Certificate. An application in prescribed form (available in the college) has to be submitted to the Divisional Secretary for the same.
The Divisional Secretary shall issue eligibility Certificate, as per instructions given to him by the State Board. Till such time, provisional admission is given to students.
The following Certificate will have to be submitted for getting the Final Eligibility from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education:
a) Passing Certificate of the last Public Examination Passed b) Statement of marks of Std. X/XI. c) Migration certificate in original from the Statutory Board, Recognized body of University including the examination passed. d) School Leaving Certificate, Transfer Certificate counter signed by the appropriate education authority. e) Deed of Undertaking on Rs.20/- Stamp paper. (Format is available with College Office). If Final Eligibility is not received from the Divisional Board in time, students may not be allowed to appear for the H.S.C. Examination.
Girl students (in Aided divisions only) do not have to pay full fees if- They are first / second / third children of their parents, and Their parents have been residing in Maharashtra for not less than 15 years. A Declaration (form available with college office) to this effect, along with two Xerox copies of First and Third page of Ration Card, and two copies of Leaving Certificate will have to be submitted.
IRB, BKT & JBB Scholarship for students from Arts, Science &Commerce will be given for academic excellence and all round performance. The scholars will be selected by a panel of faculty from Durgadevi Saraf Junior College and forwarded to the Trustees of the Rajasthani Sammelan for final decision.